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After numerous exchanges and discussions with local people, Life Steppers will focus on four major axes of development:

Business opportunity, social development, emancipation & welfare and, finally, a Know-How expertise.

For the Know-How expertise, we will need support to buy materials.

Please contact us before any donation.


      Our Philosophy

Life Steppers is about building a different way to live in peace and harmony with native people in struggling areas, which are looking for help, bringing them the tools and knowledge they need to fulfil their goals.

Life Steppers is made up of persons that want to change their life by caring and sharing with people in need.

Our philosophy is to leave our modern slave status by joining the helpless in order to achieve set new goals, and no longer have to endure the ambient pressure of a society that we believe is in decadence.

We will not revolutionize the face of the world, but give meaning to a life, that where we come from just down to materialism and personal enrichment.

These values ​​are no longer acceptable in a world where the gap is widening. Unequal knowledge, wealth gap, completion of inaccessible dreams. Human being has always attempt to achieve personal fulfilment at the expense of the other.

We do not want to be part of this amalgam anymore, and want to show people who think that we are part of the problem, that we are now on their side and not against.

Liffe Steppers gives you the opportunity to be part of their projects.

A book, an old phone, clothes, kitchen tools, a toothbrush, are as many things that we can ship to them.

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